Advertising in St Louis Lambert International Airport (STL)

*All metrics are based on a 4-week advertising campaign

Situated in the Gateway City, St Louis Lambert International Airport serves as a key connection point for millions of travelers and a unique advertising opportunity. With over 15 million passengers annually, this bustling airport reflects the diverse spirit of St Louis and its rich cultural heritage. At STL, advertising goes beyond conventional boundaries, engaging a global audience while showcasing local innovation and creativity. Here, each advertisement contributes to an ongoing conversation among various cultures, industries, and countless passengers.

Why advertise at STL?

St. Louis Lambert International Airport is a hub of activity and opportunity, offering unique advertising experiences. Here are some notable aspects of STL:

St Louis Market

St Louis Audience

Types of Airport Advertising

Here are some of the most common advertising platforms at STL:

These examples represent just a fraction of the numerous advertising opportunities available at airports like STL, allowing brands to create tailored campaigns that effectively reach their target audience.

Airport price breakdown

Billboard pricing in St. Louis varies depending on factors such as location, size, and visibility, with the following price ranges:

Airport Impression and CPM Metrics

Impressions and CPM metrics provide valuable insights into the reach and cost-effectiveness of advertising campaigns in St. Louis:

Some of the top airport ad providers for STL

Here is a list of top providers for advertising at STL:

Other formats for advertising in St Louis

A closer look at the data reveals the depth and breadth of the advertising opportunities available in St. Louis:

Get started advertising with AdQuick now!

St. Louis offers a diverse range of advertising opportunities, from traditional billboards to innovative digital formats, allowing brands to effectively reach their target audience. With AdQuick, advertisers can access a comprehensive platform for out-of-home advertising, offering products and solutions tailored to their needs. By signing up, you'll gain immediate access to over 1,400 premium OOH media owners, execute OOH buys 10x faster, launch campaigns in as little as 48 hours, and unlock unprecedented measurability. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your advertising strategy in St. Louis – Get Started with AdQuick today!

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