If you’re looking for an affordable way to share your brand message with potential customers, consider using kiosk advertising in your next marketing campaign.

What Is Kiosk Advertising?

Kiosks are standalone backlit advertising spaces that are often located in a central hub, and may provide wayfinding or other informational services. If you’ve wandered through a shopping mall looking for a directory, you’ve likely found it on a kiosk. Kiosk advertising can involve an interactive LCD touch screen, providing added flexibility to your next marketing campaign.

Many forms of out of home advertising come in large formats, like billboards and digital banner displays, but kiosks are a great option if you’re looking for a smaller, more interactive digital ad space.

Beyond ad displays, kiosks typically serve multiple functions. They may feature local area guides or WiFi information, or a map of the nearby shopping destinations. Because of their utility, they tend to attract a large number of viewers, giving you maximum exposure at a relatively low price point.

Types of Kiosk Advertising

There are kiosk advertising opportunities for nearly all marketing budgets. While kiosks that are located in high-traffic hubs like a Los Angeles shopping mall or New York City sports arena, there are plenty of kiosk locations at smaller malls and retail centers that will still garner plenty of views.

To determine the right kiosk location for your company, consider your target demographics and where they tend to congregate. Kiosks can be found in sports stadiums, fast food restaurants, airports, and even on busy city streets. Depending on the type of display, you may be able to create interactive content, or incorporate media like videos or QR codes. This type of content is especially useful if you’re looking to gain additional information about your customers, and it can help you capture data in real time.

Benefits Of Kiosk Advertising

Because kiosks are typically located in central commercial hubs, they cater to consumers who are prepared to make a purchase. For small business owners hoping to convert potential customers to actual customers, kiosk ads can help spread your brand message at a time when shoppers are ready and willing to make a purchase.

Depending on your target demographics, kiosk ads can be highly specialized and capture their interest with a simple and timely message. Sports fans attending a baseball game, for example, will be especially interested in an ad that promotes a local beer that they can purchase at the stadium.

Kiosk advertising also allows for more interaction with your customers, which can help you learn more about them and their interests. Because they’re located in areas where people tend to meander and stop for periods of time, kiosk ads allow for longer dwell time and greater impact.

Where Is Kiosk Advertising Typically Done?

Kiosk advertising is almost always conducted in an area with a high level of foot traffic. Because kiosks are located at eye-level and within walking paths, they are often used for wayfinding. Digital directories at major shopping malls are a classic example of a high-traffic kiosk location. The digital displays allow for rotating content, and also allow for your content to be updated in real time. If you’re hoping to develop a marketing campaign that continually updates with new information, kios advertising can be a great option.

How Much Does Kiosk Advertising Cost?

While kiosk advertising is a relatively cost-effective type of out of home advertising, several factors will determine your final overall cost. If you choose to design content for an interactive kiosk, expect to spend more than if you choose to go with a static design. High-traffic sites will cost more, but they will also achieve greater visibility for your brand message. Whether or not you partner with a design firm to create your ad content will also factor into your final cost, so make sure you budget accordingly.

In general, kiosk advertising can run from several hundred dollars to several thousand for a four-week ad placement.

Use Cases for Kiosk Advertising

Kiosks are a great way to attract and engage your customers, while also providing a basic utility that makes their lives easier. McDonalds offers a great case study on the effective use of kiosks. Their interactive kiosks allow customers to place their order directly through the kiosk, allowing them to cut to the front of the line while also giving them more time to peruse the menu at their leisure. Kiosks can give your customers a significant amount of information about your brand without being intrusive.

Prime advertising real estate in a shopping mall or airport can be pricey, but kiosk advertising can help you spread the word about your brand at a much more affordable price point. Whether it’s in a shopping mall, airport, movie theater, or sports stadium, kiosk advertising provides a high-impact and flexible out-of-home advertising option.

If you’re looking for an affordable way to share your brand message with potential customers, consider using kiosk advertising in your next marketing campaign.

Kiosk Advertising Examples

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