Advertising in Minot International Airport (MOT)

*All metrics are based on a 4-week advertising campaign

Located in the thriving city of Minot, North Dakota, Minot International Airport serves as a key gateway to the region and a unique opportunity for advertisers. This bustling airport connects thousands of passengers annually, while also reflecting the rich local culture and booming energy industry. At MOT, advertising goes beyond conventional boundaries, engaging a diverse audience and showcasing the distinctive spirit of Minot. Here, each advertisement contributes to an ongoing conversation among travelers, businesses, and the local community.

Why advertise at MOT?

Minot International Airport (MOT) offers a unique advertising opportunity with its notable features and ranking. Here are some key aspects that make MOT stand out:

Minot Market

Population: Minot is a growing city in North Dakota, with a population of over 48,000 people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This expanding population offers advertisers a growing market to target.

Economic Growth: Minot's economy is driven by the energy industry, agriculture, and the military presence at Minot Air Force Base. These industries provide a stable economic foundation and diverse employment opportunities, making the city an attractive market for advertisers.

Cultural Diversity: Minot is known for its Scandinavian heritage, which is celebrated annually during the Norsk Høstfest festival. The city's cultural diversity offers advertisers the opportunity to target a variety of audiences and demographics.

Entertainment and Sports: The city offers various entertainment options, including the North Dakota State Fair, concerts, and local sports events. These events attract visitors and residents alike, providing additional advertising opportunities in the Minot market.

Education and Innovation: Minot is home to Minot State University, which contributes to the city's educated workforce and fosters a culture of innovation. This environment makes Minot an appealing market for advertisers targeting tech-savvy and educated audiences.

Minot Audience

Airport price breakdown

Billboard pricing in Minot varies depending on factors such as location, size, and visibility, with the following price ranges:

Airport Impression and CPM Metrics

Impressions and CPM metrics provide valuable insights into the reach and cost-effectiveness of advertising campaigns at Minot International Airport:

Some of the top airport ad providers for MOT

Here is a list of top providers for advertising at Minot International Airport:

Other formats for advertising in Minot

A closer look at the data reveals the depth and breadth of the other opportunities available in Minot:

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