Advertising in Ketchikan International Airport (KTN)

*All metrics are based on a 4-week advertising campaign

Located in the picturesque Alaskan landscape, Ketchikan International Airport serves as a gateway to the region's thriving tourism and fishing industries. This unique airport connects thousands of visitors annually, offering advertisers a prime opportunity to engage with a diverse audience. At Ketchikan International Airport, advertising goes beyond traditional boundaries, reaching travelers eager to explore Alaska's natural beauty while showcasing local businesses and attractions. Here, each advertisement contributes to a rich tapestry of experiences, connecting cultures and industries with adventurous spirits.

Why advertise at KTN?

Ketchikan International Airport (KTN) offers a unique advertising opportunity, with its distinct features and ranking among U.S. airports. Some notable aspects of KTN include:

Ketchikan Market

Population: Ketchikan is a small yet vibrant community, with a population of approximately 8,000 residents, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This tight-knit community offers advertisers the opportunity to connect with locals and visitors alike, creating a unique and targeted advertising experience.

Economic growth: Ketchikan's economy is primarily driven by tourism, fishing, and timber industries. The city's thriving tourism sector, which includes cruise ship visitors, provides ample advertising opportunities for businesses looking to target a diverse and ever-changing audience.

Cultural diversity: Ketchikan is known for its rich Alaskan Native heritage, with a strong presence of Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian cultures. This cultural diversity offers advertisers the chance to create meaningful connections with a wide range of audiences, showcasing the unique aspects of the region.

Outdoor recreation: Ketchikan is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a variety of activities such as fishing, hiking, and wildlife viewing. Advertisers can capitalize on this passion for adventure by targeting visitors seeking to explore the region's natural beauty and outdoor experiences.

Arts and culture: The city is also home to a thriving arts scene, including the renowned Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council and the famous Creek Street historic district. This focus on arts and culture provides advertisers with additional opportunities to engage with audiences interested in the region's rich history and creative expression.

Ketchikan Audience

Airport price breakdown

Billboard advertising prices in Ketchikan vary depending on factors such as location, size, and duration, with the following price breakdown:

Airport Impression and CPM Metrics

Impressions and CPM metrics provide valuable insights into the reach and cost-effectiveness of advertising campaigns at Ketchikan International Airport:

Some of the top airport ad providers for KTN

Here is a list of top providers for advertising at Ketchikan International Airport:

Other formats for advertising in Ketchikan

A closer look at the data reveals the depth and breadth of the other opportunities available in Ketchikan:

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